Smolder is a female dragon and Lady of the Court.

Smolder was one of the first interspecies students of Twilight Sparkle's School of Friendship. Sent there by order of Dragonlord Ember, she initially resented being away from home. Nevertheless, Ember had chosen her because she saw the potential in the young dragoness, and soon Smolder began making friends which included a male griffon named Gallus, a female evolved changeling named Ocellus, a female hippogriff named Silverstream, a male earth pony called Sandbar, and a female yak named Yona.

Smolder and her five friends were instrumental in preventing the theft of all Equestrian magic due to Cozy Glow's machinations.

During a trial by Harmony, it was revealed that Smolder had a secret love of girly things including fancy dresses. It let her be more honest with her friends, and in particular with Gallus for whom she had started having a growing attraction. She took the opportunity to spend more time with him, experiencing for the first time what a true family could be like when Gallus and his adoptive father Prince Mark Wells invited her to spend Hearth's Warming with them. When they graduated, Smolder and Gallus got engaged to be married.

Gallus's ambition is to one day be the Captain of the Royal Guard, so he departed for training as a new recruit. Not wanting to be left just waiting for him, Smolder applied for a junior position on the Triarchy’s staff. It required her to dress smartly and learn court etiquette, but she took to it like a duck to water. She soon began taking an active part in Royal Court proceedings and quickly became a thorn in the side of some of the more obnoxious nobles, much to Mark's amusement. While they attempted to tear her down, the dragoness was extremely smart and outmaneuvered them at every occasion.

Smolder's talents have led Mark Wells, Phil Martine, and Rosa Martine to offer her the position of negotiator when Equestria officially made public contact with Earth. Smolder trained with Harmonic Composites' Earthside operations to get a better feel for how things work with humans. She is now Equestria's official Ambassador to Earth.

Smolder has an older brother named Garble. She also has a counterpart in the anthro universe. Anthro dragons are mammalian, so the females have boobs. They also give live birth instead of laying eggs. Anthro dragons cannot bathe in lava like their reptilian counterparts.


Sample art by and copyright to Myke Greywolf, Darksly-z, and CheezayBallz.

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