Chrysalis is an ascended royal Crystal Changeling.

Chrysalis first came to the attention of Equestria when she kidnapped and impersonated Princess Cadance in her attempt to overthrow the princesses and invade Canterlot as a first step in conquering Equestria. However, she and her horde of changeling drones were expelled by Shining Armor and Cadance. She tried once again when Princess Trixie, Prince Mark Wells, and Princess Twilight Sparkle had succeeded Princess Celestia and Princess Luna as rulers of Equestria by trying to surreptitiously replace all the authority figures with changelings. Mark detected that the pony with him was not the real deal and rescued Trixie, starting to put into motion a plan to take the fight to the Crystal Hive. With the help of Thorax, Starlight Glimmer, and Moon Dancer, they invaded Chrysalis's hive. Thorax defeated Chrysalis while an army of ponies and other allies took care of the changeling swarm. Chrysalis was captured and incarcerated in Canterlot Castle's dungeon.

Attempts were made to rehabiltate Chrysalis, but the one who had the most profound effect upon her was her alternate universe counterpart Chryssy who showed her the benefits of working with ponies rather than trying to conquer them. Various other people added their influence, but Chrysalis stubbornly held out. The one thing that she liked was to be able to interact with her child conceived by Shining Armor when she was imitating Cadance. Shiny Button, later to be renamed as Crystal Shield used his shadow-walking power to visit his "Bug Mom" often. Between him and various others, Chrysalis' attitude started softening.

Then Grogar sprung her from incarceration, recruiting her to help him conquer Equestria. By using her impersonation skills, she was able to get hold of Grogar's enchanted bell which she used to steal Celestia's and LLuna's alicorn magic. However, she had no intention of really being Grogar's ally. Although she ostensibly carried out his wishes, she instead was biding her time to get what she wanted – revenge on the Storm King who had murdered her best friend. After Grogar's defeat, she willingly surrendered herself. When brought up for trial, she played her trump card by formally asking Trixie to allow her to join Mark's herd as a consequence of some ill-considered words on his part. Presented with little choice, Trixie agreed, to Mark's dismay. However, both had subconciously felt attraction to each other – Chrysalis because Mark was the only stallion that she had learned to respect, and Mark because he was attracted to strong-willed mares. Their relationship started as prickly and intense, but as they formally mated, they began to develop stronger feelings for each other. Chrysalis conceived a royal changeling by Mark and she was named Diadem. As a result of being infused with Celestia's power, Chrysalis had gained an ascended form that no longer exhibits voids in her chitin, wings, or mane, and her wings sparkle constantly. These traits were carried into her offspring. Eventually, true love bloomed between her and Mark, and he has fertilized all her eggs to produce drones for a new hive based in Canterlot itself. Chrysalis became Mark's new Advisor. Years later when the drones had matured, Chrysalis started building a new network in service of Equestria which greatly enhanced the Triarchy's ability to rule efficiently and effectively.

Chrysalis has another counterpart in the anthro universe whose history was much different from either hers or Chryssy's. Mark Wells also encounter her opposite in another universe who was that world's Princess of Love. Chrysalis was appalled by a photo of her.


Sample art by and copyright to Dormin and mailNer.

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